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KinderBlues Music Classes for Children! 

A fun and engaging music curriculum designed to engage students’ creativity and showcase their inner wisdom through artistic composition and performance.

Offer Kinder-Blues classes at your school, library, or community space!

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Tiny Tunes - infant-3 yr (baby+me style)

  • More mellow group class for our youngest little ones and their families.  Featuring original songs by Glenda, and lots of colorful props to engage your little ones’ senses and imagination!  Expect to shake shakers, wave scarves, sing along, and share musical joy with your little one(s). 


Tunes for Tots - 1.5 yr - 5yr (baby+me style)

  • Slightly more active group for bigger babes and wiggly ones.  Like Tiny Tunes, but will include more dancing and movement, more instruments, and more complex rhythms.  



Treble Tunes - 5-7 yr  (Students participate in class without required parent supervision)

  • Group art-making ensemble for kids focusing on rhythm and song

  • Students play percussion instruments, sing, improvise, and compose

  • Multi-class sessions conclude in a performance on the last day!

  • Goes beyond the standard music class by empowering children as creators and performers

  • Engages the creative process through interdisciplinary techniques (music plus dance, visual arts, science, story-telling, and poetry).

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